
seashells by the seashore is about working toward goals we set for ourselves.  It’s about keeping motivated and overcoming the  difficulties of reaching our goals.  It’s about the day-to-day things we do to help us along.

Who I am:

Me and my love in heaven on earth...

I’ve struggled with that question for years!  But seriously, my name is Shell.  I love the beach and it has always been a dream of mine to live there.   A few years ago, my husband and I took the step of buying a house at the beach, not to live in now, but so we are paying on it while we are both still employed.  We want to have as much as possible paid on it before we retire.

I have a beautiful, loving beagle named Willow, and a sweet 8 month old kitten, named Pockets.  Or sometimes we call him Trouble.

I started this blog when we set a time goal for moving to the beach full-time.  There is so much involved in reaching that goal, and not just finances!  I have wanted to work on improving my writing skills, so I thought I would start a blog to help with that.

I named the blog from a wooden plaque my sister gave me, that hangs by the front door of our beach house.  It has a big seashell on it and it says ‘seashells by the seashore’.  A play on my name, so I love it!

What I blog about:

I have the goal of living at the beach.  I write about keeping motivated to reach that goal; about how finances impact the goal; about my struggles and triumphs to get there as fast as possible.  And it’s about the bumps in the road that I meet.

I write about my goal to de-clutter, exercise, find more peace within myself, and generally anything that’s going to help me reach the beach, in good health, as soon as possible.  I also write about ordinary days.

I’ve never blogged before, so to the readers coming here in my first few months, I ask for your patience.  I also ask for your comments and any advice you would like to share with me and other readers.

a little glimpse of me:

meningitis and our puppy

i has a pockets

my brother, my hero

random goals

warm weather memories

13 Responses to about

  1. ricwegrzyn says:

    Hello Shell! I do like your blog. I was wondering if you wanted to be “blog buddies”. I also am writing once a day. Mine is concentrated on weight loss, actually my personal weight loss and the products I am using. I am also adding a section on my menu and receips. If your interested let me know!

  2. theeater1 says:

    Hi Shell,

    Cool goal! I’ve always loved the beach ever since I was a little boy and my Great Grandmother would take me to stay with her on Cape Cod in Massachusetts. That one week per summer was a great escape for a kid with a rough childhood.

    My Wife and I recently went through some similar issues as you have expressed. We had a 3100 sq ft house in CT overflowing with stuff. We had some issues come up that caused us to re-examine our priorities and the long story short, we de-cluttered by selling or throwing away nearly everything and moving into a 400 sq ft motor home. Now we live a simple life filled with adventure and travel. Both of us believe we will continue to live using the lessons learned over this past year even if we ever do decide to go back to being tied to a home.

    Feel free to stop by my blog anytime mybaddiet.wordpress.com and see how our adventure is progressing via my belly ;-). Also check out my wife’s blog sweeptalk.wordpress.com she is a genius at finding deals, sweepstakes and other ingenious ways to save or make money.

    Nancy and I will stop by here frequently to see if we can offer any advice!

    Good Luck!


    • Seashell says:

      Thanks Noah! Your lifestyle sounds great. Any advice you can offer would be wonderful. Decluttering is going slow right now, but I know once I start making more and more progress, I’ll want to spend much more time de-cluttering! I’ve also been selling, donating, and freecycling everything. If feels so good to get rid of it. I will be checking you blog also. I’m looking forward to more of your recipes, too!

  3. Hi There,

    Thank you for your comment! I look forward to becoming blogging buddies and thank you for your support!


  4. Jenny Cutler says:

    decluttering is a never-ending dilemma! I am a born minimalist, but I mostly / often regret letting go of so much. Love your blog. Not sure how all this works. Know 1961 girl well – and think I have signed up to Classy Rose – she’s been helping me. But it’s still all very confusing. Jenny – hope you can find me from this – it’s an experiment

  5. ferragudofan says:

    Hi Shell – I have been following your blog for a while now and love it!
    thought you might be interested in a new series of posts – a raft of bloggers are getting together and blogging about their ‘Personal A ~ Z of..’ (insert the country of your choice!)
    it would be great if you wanted to join us!
    click here to find out more about it:
    and happy blogging!

  6. ferragudofan says:

    I am loving reading your blog – and the lovely photos you add too
    so much so that I have awarded you the Liebster Award!
    click here to find out more
    and I do hope that you accept! 🙂
    have a great week

  7. ferragudofan says:

    Congratulations! I have just given you the Versatile Blogger Award and The ABC Award – you can find out more about this here on my blog http://thethoughtpalette.co.uk/2012/05/07/awards-in-march-and-april/ I do hope that you will accept these awards in the spirit in which they are sent to you. With best wishes – and thank you for your blog. Alyson

  8. ferragudofan says:

    I do hope that you will accept the brand new Blog of the Year 2012 Award which I have bestowed upon your blog – you can read my award ceremony post here ‘Blog of the Year 2012 Award’ http://algarveblog.net/2012/10/24/blog-of-the-year-2012-award-its-award-time/ Thank you for entertaining and informing me this year – and Congratulations!

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